Our Story

Our Story

Helping people live to their potential since 2005

Bodysmart was born in 2005 with a desire to provide a complete range of high quality, truly holistic health and well-being services that would help people live their full potential both at work and in play. We also wanted to create a place that nurtured skill and ingenuity in many different fields so that amongst our team we could offer a true “one stop shop” for all clients.

Our strong roots in corporate health in the early days gave us a diverse understanding as to the demands and influence of work life on the body. We have been fortunate enough to be selected as the “go to” resource for many of Australia’s largest companies from the beginning.

Through continued innovation and growing passion, we have evolved into the “A” team – a team of multi-skilled practitioners that work together to help our clients and offer the most comprehensive range of health care services in Perth. We continue to grow and develop each year so that we can be at the forefront of our industry.


To book an appointment with one of our Physiotherapists, Chiropractors or Remedial Massage Therapists contact Bodysmart on (08) 9481 8708. Alternately book online today.